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Catarman,Camiguin, 10, Philippines
about me....hmmmp...i am just a 15 year old girl.studying at CAMIGUIN NATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL.living at Tangaro,Catarman,Camiguin.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010


Computer troubleshooting means solving the Computer problems , in a systematic manner, also known as elimination process of the problem. It is a very important process especially in the fields of system administration. Computer troubleshooting is based on the process of finding the problem in the simplest manner. The troubleshooter is responsible for using the right techniques and solving the problems.

Steps in Computer troubleshooting

The most important step in Computer troubleshooting is to check the system without leaving any stone unturned. Every element of the system must be checked thoroughly in a manner, which will solve the problem as fast as possible.

Another way of Computer troubleshooting is cognitive walkthrough, which is an inspection method based on usability.

Computer troubleshooting is very important for the efficient working of the system and therefore there should be regular troubleshooting processes to make the system error free.

It’s not only start-up that you’d like to speed up; you can also make sure that your system shuts down faster. If shutting down XP takes what seems to be an inordinate amount of time, here are a couple of steps you can take to speed up the shutdown process:

Don’t have XP clear your paging file at shutdown. For security reasons, you can have XP clear your paging file (pagefile.sys) of its contents whenever you shut down. Your paging file is used to store temporary files and data, but when your system shuts down, information stays in the file. Some people prefer to have the paging file cleared at shutdown because sensitive information such as unencrypted passwords sometimes ends up in the file. However, clearing the paging file can slow shutdown times significantly, so if extreme security isn’t a high priority, you might not want to clear it. To shut down XP without clearing your paging file, run the Registry Editor (click Start > Run, then type regedit in the Run box) and go to:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Memory Management

Change the value of ClearPageFileAtShutdown to 0. Close the Registry, and restart your computer. Whenever you turn off XP from now on, the paging file won’t be cleared, and you should be able to shut down more quickly.

Troubleshooting tools

Be ready with any eventuality. Keep a set of tools that you can use anytime your PC bogs down. These tools should be placed strategically where you can reach for them in times of need.

You may invest on basic items such as screwdrivers for use in attaching or removing components; needle-nose pliers; tweezers for getting jumpers and hard to reach items; lint free cloth for cleaning and wiping parts; compressed air clears gummed up fans and vents to be used in reviving blinded optical drives and for data connections; electrical contact cleaner solution to improve electrical conductivity and a hand-held vacuum for sucking dirt, hair and other embedded particles

Rebooting Problems

One main problem that you face is by re-booting the computer without any warning. All information is lost and it seems as though this happens at the worst possible time. You need to repeat some workloads as well. Booting errors when the computer first start’s up is another indicator of this component going on the blink.

Hung application

confused man before computer
When you repeatedly double click a program icon but with no results, the application may have hung.

The way to solve this in Windows XP and 2000 is to right-click the Windows task bar and click Task Manager on the menu. Next, pick the Processes tab in the application window and click the list box column head labeled Image Name to arrange the applications running. Locate the application you want to open. Right click the offending applications and choose End Process, then click OK. Do this again until all programs close. Close the Task Manager and begin the application once more.

Troubleshooting worst PC problems

One day you may be in panic for finding out your files have vanished from your PC. Whether the problem involves software or hard drive, you can actually pull through the mess.

So you may have added a stick of RAM and then suddenly your PC seemingly crashes down: boot routines fail and there are sudden shutdowns. This can mean you have a case of bad memory upgrade.

Also, new addition to your memory may not be compatible with the existing one. In this case try to boot your PC and enter the memory settings. From there you can reboot again and wait for results that will show how the two memory sticks react to each other.

Troubleshooting Tips for New Monitors

You are encouraged to make links to this article from your website and tell your friends

Here are some basic trouble shooting tips for new monitors:
  1. The picture does not appear

    • Check to make sure the signal cable is firmly connected in the socket.
    • Check to see if the computer system's power is ON.
    • Check that the Brightness Control is at the appropriate position, not at the minimum.
  2. The Screen is not synchronized

    • Check to make sure the signal cable is firmly connected in the socket.
    • Check that the output level matches the input level of your computer.
    • Make sure the signal timing of the computer system is within the specification of the monitor.
  3. The position of the screen is not in the center

    • Adjust the H-Size, H-Phase or V-Size, V-Center controls.
    • Check if the signal timing of the computer system is within the specification of the monitor.
  4. The screen is too bright or too dark

    • Check if the Brightness or contrast control is at the appropriate position, not at the maximum or minimum.
    • Check if the specified voltage is applied
    • Check if the signal timing of the computer system is within the specification of the monitor.
    • Especially, check the horizontal frequency.
  5. The screen is shaking

    • Move all objects that emit a magnetic field, such as a motor or transformer, away from the monitor.
    • Check if the specified voltage is applied.
    • Check if the signal timing of the computer system is within the specification of the monitor.

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